Ask your web designing company in Delhi about the latest trends in web application development before handing over your application development project. Web development standards change quite quickly and while it is important to choose a reliable development platform, such as Asp.Net, it is also crucial to follow the trends and approaches to gain traction.

Therefore, we have accumulated a few hot-selling trends your website development services firm in Delhi should know about.

  • Digital Voice Search, especially if yours is an eCommerce platform. Due to the ease of use and affordability, businesses are optimizing their web applications with voice search to increase acceptability. 
  • WebAssembly doesn’t compromise the performance of web apps but ensures to offer native-app like performance without additional development cost. If you plan to build a web game, video editor, music app, online training app for education, P2P platform, etc. then consider web assembly. 
  • Custom software development with machine learning and artificial intelligence for providing improved experience to end-users. This happens by detecting user searches and website visitors’ behavior and providing personalized content. Netflix’s recommendation is an example of personalization.
  • Date of Security for web app development. If your web app processes a huge amount of data, it will be more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Therefore, you must ensure that your website development company in Delhi enables secure testing, chooses third-party carefully, adds website monitoring tools, and adds AI protocols for cybersecurity.
  • Blockchain implementation and DNS decentralization is a trending and popular option for secured web solutions. Blockchain prevents cyberattacks and safeguards data. It is a must for businesses that deal with legal and highly sensitive data. 
  • If you want Google to give your website priority then make sure your website is developed into a Progressive Web Application (PWA). PWAs reduce the page load time, can be added onto the home-screen like an app without the need to download it, and can work well with a poor internet connection. You can also consider AMPs (Accelerated Mobile Pages), particularly if you want to give your users access to crucial information without the fancy elements of the website. 

While discussing website development services in Delhi, make sure you consider SEO and other digital marketing approaches to improve traffic to your web application.



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