If you are planning to outsource IT services, from IT company in Delhi,  make sure the custom software developer follows the latest internet trends, including ASP.NET trends. ASP.NET is a popular version of the .NET web development framework that is used to build robust, opensource web applications for all business types. 

ASP.NET has been leveraged for many years now because it is not only developer friendly but also known to produce sustainable results. 

So, if you are a custom IT software development company in Delhi or a start-up or a software developer, make note of the following trends in ASP.NET as they are going to rule in the next two years.

Core 2.0 is a Better Framework

Microsoft announced the launch of the new ASP.NET framework, ASP.NET Core (1.0, 2.0, and 2.1). With Core 1.0, you can design and build cross-platform web applications, including IoT apps. Core 2.0 allows you to develop Core console web applications and class libraries, while Core 2.1 offers better data security measures.

The Core 3.0, launched just before the COVID hit the word, can even help developers migrate desktop applications into the .NET framework. 

Internet Information Server (IIS) to Host ASP.NET applications

Big Data and IoT are the talks of the town because they allow storage and access to a huge amount of data on the Cloud. ASP.NET allows businesses to make efficient use of the IoT and big data, such as IIS. IIS a Microsoft owned web server that hosts .NET applications that enables industries to deploy constructive solutions. 

Cloud Computing 

With everything turning digital and computer-based, companies are needing more data storage to store sensitive information and convert paper-based data into the computer, secure files. Cloud is one of the most helpful solutions for data storage for it allows accessing and storing huge amounts of information across any part of the word. .NET’s Azure framework has made data handling easier on Cloud as it offers effective analytics of big data periodically. 

The deadly combination of Cloud computing, heightened security measures, and incredible hosting with ISS makes ASP.NET the most promising web application solution. 

The future of .NET is amazing and promising. While there will be a shift in the frameworks, such as ASP.NET to ASP.NET core and the benefits of Blazor framework the .NET platform will have everything required to make the lives of developers easy for IT Company in Delhi

Description: Here’s what a leading IT company has to say about the ASP.NET trends in 2020 and 2021. If you are a developer, this should help you. 

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